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作 者: 来 源: 招生办 发布时间: 2017-07-17 点击次数: 13371



  中、荷联合培养双硕士学位项目,旨在培养熟悉中、荷两国文化,具有扎实的专业基础和较高综合素质的、具备国际视野和竞争力的高层次创新设计人才。本项目于2016年启动2020年提升,由浙江大学与荷兰埃因霍温理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology,简称TU/e)共同实施。TU/e是欧洲顶尖的理工科大学,创建于1956年,与浙江大学有着悠久的合作历史。其高质量的教学,科研在荷兰和国际上享有极高的知名度。它与代尔夫特理工大学、特温特大学、瓦赫宁根大学构成荷兰顶级理工大学联盟4TU。该校2021 QS世界大学排名120位。TU/e一直以创新性与实用性的课程著称,其毕业生广泛就职于欧美跨国公司,深受产业界欢迎。












Brief Introduction of the Department of Industrial Design, TU/e

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is located in a highly industrialized region in the Netherlands, known as the ‘Brainport’. This region is internationally recognized as a top technology area with a special focus on the integration of design and technology. When TU/e started discussions with the creative industries in 2000, they expressed the wish for a new type of academic engineer.


These engineers should combine insights into different fields of knowledge, as integrators of visions and ‘problemfinders’. In essence they should be the designers of Intelligent systems, products and related services in a societal context, addressing aspects such as adaptive behavior, context awareness and highly dynamic interaction. These systems meet the needs of today’s users or, even better, offer new, breakthrough possibilities leading to societal transformations. For these reasons the new Department of Industrial Design (ID), the ninth at TU/e, chose a specific new field within industrial design matching the evelopment, expertise and interests of the surrounding and international industries.


An innovative educational approach was developed for students in this new field, based on competency-centered learning, with integration of education and research as one of the fundamental starting points of a university program. Research was gradually built up from 2002 onwards, resulting in two well established research groups integrating their expertise.


The Department has set up a valuable international network, with staff and students originating from more than 25 different nationalities worldwide.


The mission of the department of Industrial Design at TU/e is


Research on and Education in the Design of Systems with Emerging Technologies in a Societal Context.


With this mission, we excel at the integration of various academic disciplines, including engineering, business and social sciences. This puts us in a strong position regarding the acquisition and execution of projects where “integration of emerging technology into everyday life” and “application of technology in a societal context” play a major role. This makes us unique among design departments world-wide and provides a solid basis for collaborations in international consortia, industrial research projects and within the university.


Integration of research and education

Research and education at the department are highly interconnected. In particular, Bachelor, Master and PhD students intensively collaborate with research staff in so-called squads dedicated to specific research topics.


Research through design

Research at the department focusses on two areas or thematic clusters: Future Everyday and Systemic Change.


The Future Everyday cluster investigates the everyday interactions between people and the highly interconnected technology that surrounds them. We measure, model and design for the user experience when individuals interact with social-technological networks in their homes, at work, in transit, while doing sport or going out.


The Systemic Change cluster focuses on designing innovations that have impact on systemic structures and groups of people, ultimately aiming to address large-scale issues such as urban health, future mobility and sustainability. Field data is used in novel iterative and circular research-through-design processes involving strategic alliances of stakeholders.


Competency-centered education

The Industrial Design curriculum is competency-centered, a unique educational model that brings together learning and working. Right from their very first day students learn, apply and develop the appropriate attitude, while functioning as ‘junior employees’.


Our department regards it as its task to train engineers (BSc and MSc) possessing a sound basis of knowledge, as well as a rich set of competencies that will enable them to develop successful careers in Industrial Design and a wide range of functions within the community.


Industry involvement

Eindhoven University of Technology is located in a highly industrialized region, known as ‘Brainport’. The region is internationally recognized as a top technology area with a special focus on the integration of design and technology. The department collaborates extensively with companies in the region. They had expressed the wish for a new type of academic engineer, and were involved directly when the department was established in 2001. Today companies have a natural involvement in our education and research process, and work together with us in different ways in these areas.



Our department has set up a valuable international network, and now has staff and students of more than 25 different nationalities from around the world. We initiate and maintain many international contacts with both institutes and (multinational) industries, resulting in exchanges of students and staff and the realization of international research programs. Partners from four continents (Europe, USA, Asia and Australia) work together in this network.



We offer students and staff an international and academic, in other words intellectually stimulating, study and working environment that will inspire them to broadly-based personal development, social and cultural engagement and an entrepreneurial attitude.